

  • Team size: 2 - 4
  • Registration fee: 500 rupees for each team
  • First Prize = 30,000 worth free course for 1student + 3000 cash prize
  • Second Prize = 4000 rupees cash prize
  • RULES :

    1. Everyone will be given a data structure question that they have to solve in a particular algorithm.
    2. Output of the solution curated by teams and individuals must be correct, and it should pass all the test cases
    3. Points will be rewarded on basis of these :
      • No of questions solved out of 5
      • Must follow rule [1]
      • Penalties for Incorrect Submissions (-1 point for each wrong submission)
      • Efficiency of Solutions: Besides correctness [1], the efficiency of the solutions is often considered. Teams maybe ranked based on the time and space complexity of their algorithms. Faster and more memory-efficient solutions may be rewarded.
      • Time Taken: Teams may be ranked based on the time it takes to submit correct solutions. Faster submissions can be rewarded to encourage efficiency.
    4. Teams can choose between Java, C, C++ and Python to solve the question:
      • - Selecting the appropriate programming language holds significant importance since your team's recognition hinges on this choice. For instance, if there are 5 out of 12 teams utilizing Python for problem-solving, the team exhibiting the most proficient Python code will serve as the benchmark for evaluating all Python-using teams.
    5. Teams are required to bring their own machines equipped with a suitable native compiler or interpreter. The use of cloud-based Integrated Development Environments (IDEs) is strictly prohibited.
    6. If any team is discovered using GitHub Co-Pilot in their IDE, the team will face disqualification. [3]

    TIMING :2:30 PM
    DATE :22rd February, 2024